November 29, 2013

Great Wall of China

Holiday Resolution

The Great Wall cross from west to east with the west end of the wall stems from Jiayu Fortress in Gansu Province, Western China,
while the eastern end is located on the edge of the Yalu River, Northeast China's Liaoning Province, China State.
At the time of the ancient Chinese empire, the Great Wall of China was built to fortify the ancient Chinese imperial Mongolian nation from attack from the north. Besides, another goal is to secure the Silk Road, which is the main business lines in the future.
In ancient times, the Great Wall winding shape and extends along the crest of the mountains is almost impossible to be conquered by the enemy, because the mountain and the slopes on which the wall is too steep to be climbed by the enemy, so that this wall is a stronghold of the very nice.
As fortifications, walls built with mountain peaks and topography along its path is very complicated, such as the desert, grasslands, swamps, and this shows the intelligence of the ancestors of the Chinese at that time were able to carry out the construction of the Great Wall by applying the structure varying according to the local natural conditions.

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