April 15, 2014

Vatican Museums

Holiday Resolution

The Vatican Museums were founded under the patronage of two eighteenth-century popes - Clement XIV (1769-1774) and Pius VI (1775-1799)
- who were among the first to open collections of art to the general public for viewing, therefore promoting culture among the masses. Appropriately, the first building in the museum complex, the Pio-Clementine Museum, was named after these two pontiffs.

The origin of the museum's collection goes back much further. It all started in 1480 with the discovery of a Roman statue, 'The Apollo of Belvedere', still one of the highlights of the Vatican Museums. In 1503 Julius II had the statue placed in the Cortile Ottagono, an octagonal courtyard.

As the decades passed, more popes added to the amazing collection of diverse artworks owned and displayed by the Vatican. Today, there are thirteen museums in a huge architectural complex comprising of two Vatican palaces. The building complex is worth a visit in itself as all the rooms and hallways are lavishly decorated with marble and frescoes.

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