April 2, 2014

Golden Pavilion

Holiday Resolution

Kinkakuji (金 阁 寺 Temple of the Golden Pavilion) is the common name for Rokuonji (鹿苑 寺 Deer Garden Temple)
is a temple in Kyoto, Japan. The building was constructed in 1397 as a resort villa for shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Her son then transform the building into a Zen temple of the Rinzai school. The temple was later burned several times during the Onin War.

Buildings with architectural style unique to Japan is coated with real gold leaf. From afar, Kinkaku-ji seems to glow when exposed to sunlight shimmering. At night Kinkaku-ji still emitting a beautiful glow of reflected light. Located on the edge of a quiet pond, Kinkaku-ji presents amazingly beautiful scenery that is not likely to be found elsewhere.

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