March 18, 2014


Holiday Resolution

As one of the first marine park in the world, the beauty of the underwater world of Bunaken are well known in the international community,
especially for scuba divers. In fact, in 2005, Bunaken has become a world heritage site after Indonesian government registering Bunaken to UNESCO. With an area of ​​approximately 75.625 hectares, diving lovers are spoiled with the many dive spots. Bunaken Marine Park has a 20 point dive spots, 12 of which are in Bunaken Island. The number of possibilities could dive spot increases with the number of divers who explore the underwater beauty of Bunaken.

Of the 20 point dive spot, the most favorite among the others in the Depan Kampung, Lekuan, Fukui Point, Mandolin Ponit, and East Bunaken. The divers who frequently visit Bunaken dive spot has a different favorite. For example, divers who like to shark dive spot has a different favorite with divers who love to look for manta rays. Underwater photographers love to make seahorses, flamboyant cuttlefish, and other macro- object image lies beneath the sea.


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