March 29, 2014

Mount Uhud

Holiday Resolution

Mount Uhud is a mountain that is the largest in Medina, located about four miles northeast of Medina. To the north of Mount Uhud,
there is the tomb of the Prophet Harun AS.

In Arabic, derived from the word ahad Uhud which means "one". So why the mountain is 600 meters in length is called "Uhud"? Many versions.

The first version of the call, because the mountain is a stand-alone, not connected to another hill or mountain. Mountains or hills interconnected else in Medina.

The next version of the call, because the experts Medina or the surrounding population is God's servant and spreader tawheed tawhid. Uhud is a symbol of monotheism or the oneness of God.

But there is also a version that says that the name "Uhud" is given solely by God tauqifi, provisions that can not be changed. Taken from Ahad (Al-Ikhlash).

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