March 31, 2014

Charles Bridge

Holiday Resolution

Charles Bridge (Czech: Karluv Most) is a famous historical bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic.
Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the early 15th century. As the only means of crossing the river Vltava until 1841, Charles Bridge was the most important connection between Prague Castle and Old Town and the surrounding area. Charles Bridge was originally called the Stone Bridge (Kamenny Most) or the Prague Bridge (Prazsky Most) but has been the "Charles Bridge" since 1870.

Bridge 516 meters long and nearly 10 meters wide, there are 16 arches under the bridge. There are three bridge towers, two of them on the Lesser Quarter side and the third one on the Old Town side. Tower Bridge on the Old Town is often regarded as one of the most stunning gothic style of architecture in the world. The bridge is decorated by 30 statues, most of the statues have baroque style, was originally established around 1700 but now all replaced by replicas.


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